Julie Smith Presents ADBCAP Research at CRWAD

Julie M. Smith, DVM, PhD, project director for the Animal Disease Biosecurity Coordinated Agricultural Project (ADBCAP), presented a poster about the project’s research and findings at the 100th annual Conference of Research Workers in Animal Disease (CRWAD) during November, 2019. The annual meeting was held in Chicago, IL, with the purpose of hosting discussions and disseminating current research advances in animal diseases. Graduate students, industry, government and academic professionals presented their most recent advances on subjects of interest to the CRWAD, and of importance to the global livestock and companion animal industries.

As an awardee of a USDA NIFA Animal Health and Disease Research Program grant, Dr. Smith was required to present an abstract at CRWAD to satisfy the award requirement to attend an annual project director workshop. She stated that “CRWAD also happens to be a meeting that I enjoy because I get to meet and catch up with animal health researchers and modelers from across the country.”

CRWAD Milestone

This was the 100th meeting of CRWAD. The organization notes, in the Author Index & Presentation Abstracts of the 100th CRWAD, that since their initial meeting in 1920 with 11 attendees “CRWAD has evolved into the premier international conference for discussion and dissemination of animal health and disease research.”

About the ADBCAP

The Animal Disease Biosecurity Coordinated Agricultural Project (ADBCAP) is a multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary collaborative supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The project focuses on human behavioral approaches to reducing the impact of livestock pests and/or diseases.

CRWAD Poster Presentation Images

ADBCAP research poster at CRWAD
Click on the poster image to download the poster as a PDF.
Julie M Smith with ADBCAP research poster at 2019 CRWAD
Julie M. Smith, DVM, PhD with ADBCAP poster at CRWAD.